Can You Take a Break In A Moving Vehicle?

Introduction - Can You Take a Break In A Moving Vehicle?

Recently, we had a client call us rather confused about the question: "Can you take a break in a moving vehicle?" They explained that their drivers are often double-manning, and as you may know, when a vehicle is moving, the 2nd man slot records the activity as POA! This makes matters seem confusing, but in this article, we'll clear things up!

Can You Take a Break in a Moving Vehicle?

You can take a break in a moving vehicle, as long as you are not doing anything else. The VOSA are aware of this flaw, which is why the first 45 of POA are assumed to be a break when the card is in the 2nd man slot.

Not doing any work means that you should not be navigating, cleaning, doing any paperwork etc. When you are on your break. It's time to take a break and relax!

Can You Take Daily Rest in a Moving Vehicle?

You cannot have a rest period in a moving vehicle.

Can You Take a Break in a Moving Vehicle?

Why Does A Rest Show As POA in a Moving Vehicle?

A digital tachograph does not let you record a break if the vehicle is moving - it really is as simple as that! It is the way it has been for a long time, but as mentioned above, VOSA are aware of it.

Conclusion - Can You Take a Break In A Moving Vehicle?

You can take a break in a moving vehicle, as long as you are doing no other work, whatsoever. Even though your card is in the 2nd slot, it will be recorded as POA. When a card is in the 2nd slot, the first 45 minutes of POA is assumed to be break.

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Duncan Horsfall - 11/24/2023 - All Categories - 0 Comments
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