TachoMagic's Daily Vehicle Checklist

Looking for a daily vehicle checklist template? We've created a daily vehicle checklist you can print off and use at your depot. We've designed ours with a week's worth of daily checks per sheet, and guides for each check overleaf for your convenience.

Use the pop-up on the right-hand side of your screen to view and downloaded it! (for free, of course). If you've instinctively closed the pop-up, just refresh the page and it'll come back.

TachoMagic's Daily Vehicle Checklist

Daily Vehicle Checklist: DVSA Video Guide

If you've got some employees who need a reminder of just what needs checking on their daily walkaround, use this DVLA video for guidance. Some people just want to get started with things right away, and doing the daily vehicle checklist can be a bit annoying for this sort of person, but it's well worth it to ensure safety and legal compliance.

A bit about TachoMagic

We're a tachograph analysis bureau, and suppliers of automatic download devices. We've been in the game for decades, which is why we've created all of our tachograph guides - to share some of our experience!

If you or your employer are in the market for some quick, easy, and affordable tachograph analysis, please have a browse of our website, or please don't hesitate to get in touch using the contact details below.

Further Reading - Daily Vehicle Checklist

If you have found our Daily Vehicle Checklist article and free download useful, why not take a look at some of our other helpful articles below.

What Is A HGV?

HGV Walkaround Checks

Do I Need A Operator's Licence?

TachoMagic's Daily Vehicle Checklist

About The Author

Simon T

Simon Theaker

Simon has over 20 years of dealing with tachograph analysis, and the technologies involved.
His in-depth knowledge and hands-on experience have made him a key behind-the-scenes member of the TachoMagic team.

Through his blogs, Simon hopes to make the lives of Fleet Managers easier, as he shares the answers to some of the most common questions he has received.

Simon Theaker - 03/05/2024 - All Categories - 0 Comments
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