FAQ: Tachograph Calibration

Why Do Tachographs Require Calibrating?

Vehicles with tachographs require regular calibration, to ensure that all the vehicle data is being correctly recorded. Sometimes, maintenance and repairs can affect the way a vehicle drives, and if the tachograph isn't calibrated, it would end up recording inaccurate data.

FAQ: Tachograph Calibration

How Often Must Digital Tachographs Be Calibrated?

Digital tachographs must be calibrated:

  • Every 2 years.
  • Following any major repairs, such as changes to the vehicle's gearbox.
  • Following any change to the vehicle's registration number.
  • If the tachograph's safety seals are ever removed.
  • Following any change to the circumference of the tyres. This is particularly important because, even though these changes can be small, measuring rotations of the wheel is one of the main sources of the tachograph's data.

How often must analogue tachographs be calibrated?

Analogue tachograph units need to be inspected every 2 years, but are only required to be recalibrated every 6 years. Obviously, if the check returns any particularly bad faults, it'd be best to have it recalibrated sooner.

Where Can I Go For Tachograph Calibration?

Only Approved Tachograph Centres (ATCs) can perform tachograph calibration. To find your nearest ATC, put your postcode into this .gov ATC finder and hit search. If you're looking for a centre in Northern Ireland, you'll be needing this list provided by NI Direct instead.

What Does Tachograph Calibration Involve?

Tachograph calibration usually takes a couple of hours, and involves a specialist at the centre running a series of checks. Once they are finished, the specialist will seal the tachograph unit to prevent tampering, and an inspection plaque will be stuck to the driver's side door. This plaque states a few of the key metrics used by the tachograph, such as tyre size, and the date, location, and technation responsible for the inspection.

What Does Tachograph Calibration Have To Do With Us?

Here at TachoMagic we're experts in the area of tachographs (does the name give it away?). While we don't offer tachograph calibration services, we do offer tachograph supplies, easy-install automatic download devices, and tachograph analysis services! Please do have a browse of our website if you're interested.

FAQ: Tachograph Calibration

Further Reading

If you've found our tachograph calibration FAQ post helpful, you might also be interested in reading these articles too:

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