How To Download Digital Tachograph Vehicle Units

How To Download Digital Tachograph Vehicle Units

Downloading data from a tacho head is a simple process, and must be done every 90 days maximum. Failing to download your vehicles' tachograph data will get you in a lot of trouble with the DVSA, so you want to make sure you’re doing it properly.

FAQ: How To Download Digital Tachograph Vehicle Units

How To Download Digital Tachograph Vehicle Units Manually

To download digital tachograph vehicle units manually, you'll need:

  • A tachograph download device, such as a Digidown (these are available on our Shop page if you don't already have one).
  • Your organisation's tachograph Company Card.
  • The vehicle you want to download the data for.

1) First, start the vehicle (for some vehicles, a download can be performed with the key in the On/Run position, while others require the engine running).

2) Insert the Company Card into slot 1 of the vehicle's tachograph unit. After a moment, the company's name will display on the tachograph.

3) Plug your download device into the tachograph unit.

4) Depending on which download device you have, you can now take a download using the buttons on the device. Many devices will allow you to choose between a full download of all data stored, or a partial download, constituting all data recorded since the previous download. Downloads can sometimes take around 5 minutes to complete.

FAQ: How To Download Digital Tachograph Vehicle Units

How To Download Digital Tachograph Vehicle Units Remotely

Performing regular vehicle downloads can be a real chore, so many drivers opt to install a remote download device to their vehicles. These devices plug into the back of tachograph units and regularly transmit vehicle data to a third party, who sends the data on in a usable format to the vehicle's owner. This completely removes the need for manual vehicle downloads, and is often paired with a tachograph data analysis service.

Never manually download vehicle data again!

TachoMagic is a supplier of remote download devices! They come with a custom cable bundle to make installation as easy as possible - it's simply a matter of matching the coloured plugs to the sockets! Once installed, it'll automatically perform regular downloads, without you having to lift a finger. Click the button below to read more about them, or visit our Shop page for pricing.

We also offer tachograph analysis services, with a wide range of useful reports and decades of experience behind us! Have a look at our Digital Tachograph Analysis page for more details.

FAQ: How To Download Digital Tachograph Vehicle Units

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