Siemens Tachograph Fault Codes

Siemens tachograph fault codes help pinpoint exact issues that a vehicle is experiencing, but it is not always obvious what they mean. In this article, we have compiled some of the most common Siemens tachograph fault codes, and general faults, so that they can be given an easy-to-understand explanation.

Voltage Failure

The voltage failure code appears on the screen to indicate that there are loose connections, or an issue with the contact resistance in the sensor. This fault is usually caused by voltage variation in the tachograph power feed or a short circuit of the road speed sensor.

Timing Fault

Timing faults suggest that the times are not plausible, which could be due to the clock being wrong, or not running as it should do. If the time is wrong in the tachograph, it can be corrected using the programming tool.

However, if it cannot be resolved, the tachograph should be replaced as soon as possible, as it could cause accidental infringements.

Display Fault

Possible causes of display faults are usually due to defects in the display. It's pretty simply really, if the display isn't working as it should, it needs to be fixed straight away!

Siemens Tachograph Fault Codes

Sensor Fault

Sensor faults are caused by a defective speed sensor. This can be tested, and if needed, replaced.

Calibration Fault

A calibration fault code appears when the checksum for a calibration calculation is incorrect. We have found that this is most commonly resolved by changing the tachograph unit itself. Not an ideal fix, but it definitely works.

Security Infringement

Problems in the internal sensor, or incomplete date, suggest that the fault could be caused by tampering.

Drivers can resolve this issue by checking the speed sensor, or by using the programming tool to match the sensor to the tachograph.

Internal Fault Codes

Internal fault codes on a tachograph can mean two things:

1. A serious fault has occurred within the tachograph.

2. There is a communication fault between the programming tool and the tachograph.

Both of these issues can be resolved by checking the wiring, the programming tool connector, and making sure the power supply between the tachograph and programming tool is okay.

As a last resort, if it cannot be fixed, replace it as soon as possible.

Summary - Siemens Tachograph Fault Codes

The majority of Siemens tachograph fault codes can be easily fixed; however, it is important they are done as soon as possible. Failure to do so can result in false infringements occurring, as well as possibly receiving fines, or worse.

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